Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Ковров А.С.



Scientific degree

Doctor of Technical Science



Academic title







Scientific profile


Google Scholar





            Awarded with the "Miner's Glory" badge of the III degree



Dnepropetrovsk State University, Biological and Ecological Faculty, specialty “Biochemistry” qualification “Biochemist.Teacher”;

Department of Ecology of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, pHd Ecological Safety.


Place of work

Professor of the Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection of the Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine;


Additional employment

            Head of International Relations Office of the Dnipro University of Technology.


Main professional disciplines taught

Biomining", "Technoecology", "Technologies of atmospheric air protection", "Technologies of water resources protection", "Biomining", "International grants and academic mobility", supervises theses of full-time and part-time students.


Professional experience

-        The level of English language proficiency according to the results of the Aptis (British Council) test is C1.

-        Сompleted an internship at the Department of Environmental Engineering of the University of Wyoming (USA) as part of the Fulbright International Grant for University Teachers (Junior Faculty Development Program) (2002-2003)

-        Participated in scientific research within the framework of the international project "Resistance of geotechnical systems: risks, processes and phenomena" (Civillian Research and Development Foundation grant, USB1-021-DP-07), (2007)

-        Received a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for university teachers and researchers on the topic "Evaluation of the stability of natural slopes and man-made slopes" at the Rhine-Westphalia University of Technology in Aachen (20013)

-        Participates in the educational project of the British Council in Ukraine "English for universities" in which he develops and introduces specialized disciplines in English into the educational process of the department and university (since 2015)

-        Coordinated the four-year DAAD educational and scientific project "Biotechnology in Mining - Integration of New Technologies Into Educational Practice" ("Biotechnology In Mining - Integration Of New Technologies Into Educational Practice") between NSU and TU "Freiberg Mining Academy" (Germany) (2015-2018) )

-        Coordinates the four-year DAAD educational and scientific project "EcoMining: Development of Integrated PhD Program for Sustainable Mining & Environmental Activities", between NTU "DP" and TU "Freiberg Mining Academy" (Germany), (Since 2019)


Participation in International Projects:

-        Coordinator of the Erasmus+ educational project “EU Standards for Environmental Rehabilitation of Mining Lands” (ref. num. 101085715 — EUSERML — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) in the framework of Jean Monnet Programme administered by European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), number of participants -3; , source of funding – European Comission (2022-2025).

-        Coordinator of the joint educational project “EcoMining: Development of Integrated PhD Program for Sustainable Mining & Environmental Activities” jointly with TU “Bergakademie Freiberg” (Germany ) under support of German Acedemic Exchange Service (DAAD); link: https://ecology.nmu.org.ua/ua/International/EcoMining%20Project%20short%20info.pdf. (2019-2022)

-        Coordinator of the joint educational project “Biotechnology In Mining – Integration Of New Technologies Into Educational Practice” jointly with TU “Bergakademie Freiberg” (Germany ) under support of German Acedemic Exchange Service (DAAD); number of participants - 80; link: https://ecology.nmu.org.ua/en/International/Projects.php. (2015-2018)

-        Research coordinator of three-year research project in collaboration with Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev under support of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project title: “The system analysis of geomechanical stability of open pit edges and slopes of dumps in changeable mining-geological and climatic conditions on the basis of stochastic models” (2015-2017).

-        Research coordinator of three-year research project in collaboration with Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev under support of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project title: “Multiple-factor analysis of high internal dumps stability on the basis of numerical geomechanical models in the conditions of gently sloping and inclined grounds” (2013-2015)


Participation in Scientific Projects:

  1. Executor of the fundamental research project «Scientific bases of environmentally safe transformation for energy profile of coal-mining regions with ensuring stability of hydrosphere» (state registration number: 0120U105279, period of implementation – 2020-2021, number of participants - 5). Level of the project – all-Ukrainian. Executor of the project – Dnipro University of Technology. Source of funding – state budget of Ukraine.

Link: https://gig.nmu.org.ua/ua/dosl/dosl_contracts.php

  1. Executor and expert in the International Project “Raising Knowledge among Students and Teachers on Tailings Safety and First Legislative Review in Ukraine” (registration number: TMF-UBA-NMU, period of implementation – 2016–2017), State HEI “National Mining University”, Dnipro, Ukraine;

Link: https://science.nmu.org.ua/en/conferences/grant-of-german-environment-agency/

  1. Executor of the fundamental research project “Development of measures to increase in ecological safety of objects of fuel and energy complex” (state registration number: ДР 0112U004203, period of implementation – 2012-2015, number of participants - 18). Level of the project – all-Ukrainian. Executor of the project – National Mining University. Source of funding – state budget of Ukraine.

Link: https://ecology.nmu.org.ua/en/Science/Courses.php.

  1. Executor of the fundamental research project “Development of measures directed on improvement of ecological situation and increase in the level of environmental security in the mining regions” (state registration number: ДР 0116U005245, period of implementation – 2016-2019, number of participants - 15). Level of the project – all-Ukrainian. Executor of the project – National Mining University. Source of funding – state budget of Ukraine.

Link: https://ecology.nmu.org.ua/en/Science/Courses.php.


Scientific potential

More than 170 published scientific and educational works, including 15 papers in webometric base SCOPUS, 90 papers in professional journals in Ukraine and abroad, 60 papers at international and regional conferences, 4 monographs and 13 teaching materials.


The area of scientific interests

            Environmental protection technologies, ecology, urboecology, technoecology, biology



1.               Krasovskyi, S., Kovrov, О., Klimkina, I., Wiche, O. (2022). Impact of substrate acidification on the plant availability of some trace elements in a coal waste material. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. 17(1):171-178. https://doi.org/10.26471/cjees/2022/017/211. (Scopus, quartile Q3).

2.               Frolova L., Kharytonov M.,· Klimkina I.,· Kovrov O.,· Koveria A. (2022). Investigation of the adsorption of ions chromium by mean biochar from coniferous trees. Applied Nanoscience. Vol. 12, p.1123–1129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-021-01995-1 . (Scopus, quartile Q2).

3.               Kovrov, O.S., Dereviahina, N.I., Sherstiuk, Ye.A. (2022). Ecological estimation of installing geothermal systems on territories of closed coal mines. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2022, (4): 84–90. https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2022-4/084. (Scopus, quartile Q3).

4.               O. Kovrov, D. Kulikova (2022) Improvement of the mine water purification efficiency via modified settling tank. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology. 2022; 23(1):65-75. (Scopus).

5.               Krasovskyi, S., Kovrov, O. Klimkina, I. (2021). Phytoremediation of coal heaps of Western Donbass. Proceedings of sc. papers of the National Mining University. №65. P.170–178. https://doi.org/10.33271/crpnmu/65.170.

6.               Samarska A., Zelenko Yu., Kovrov O. (2020). Investigation of Heavy Metal Sources on Railways: Ballast Layer and Herbicides. Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 21 (8), p.32–46. https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/127393. (Scopus, quartile Q3).

7.               Kovrov O.S., Klimkina I.I., Samarsʹka A.V. Krasovsʹkyy S.A. (2020). Laboratorne doslidzhennya protsesu biovyluhovuvannya vazhkykh metaliv yak yavyshcha kyslotnoho shakhtnoho drenazhu [Laboratory study of the the process of bioleaching of heavy metals as a phenomenon of acid mine drainage.]. Proceedings of sc. papers of the National Mining University. 60. P.150–161. https://doi.org/10.33271/crpnmu/60.150.

8.               Kovrov O., Kolesnyk V., Buchavyi Yu. (2020). Development of the landslide risk classification for natural and man-made slopes based on soil watering and deformation extent. Mining of Mineral Deposits, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 105-112. https://doi.org/10.33271/mining14.04.105. (Scopus, quartile Q2).

9.               Kulikova D.V., Kovrov O.S. Improvement of mine water treatment technological scheme by implementing rapid sand filters. Науково-практичний журнал «Екологічні науки». Вип. 4(31). 2020. С. 107-111 (фахове видання).

·                 Kovrov, V Kolesnyk, Y Buchavyi (2020) Development of the landslide risk classification for natural and man-made slopes based on soil watering and deformation extent. - Mining of Mineral Deposits 14 (Issue 4), 105-112 (Scopus).

10.           Kovrov O., Fedotov V., Zvoryhin K. (2019). Justification of phytoremediation technology of degraded landscapes on the basis of ecosystem approach. Technology audit and production reserves. 6/3(50), P. 4-9. (Index Copernicus), https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2019.185204.

11.           Kovrov O., Klimkina I., Kodachenko L. (2019). Justification of the method for phytoremediation of degraded and contaminated lands by composite vermicompost briquettes. Technology audit and production reserves. 5/3(49), 28-32. (Index Copernicus), https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2019.183078.

12.           Kulikova D.V., Kovrov O.S. Improvement of mine water treatment technological scheme by implementing rapid sand filters. Науково-практичний журнал «Екологічні науки», № 4(31), С.107-111. https://doi.org/10.32846/2306-9716/2020.eco.4-31.16.

13.           Kovrov O., Fedotov V., Zvoryhin K. Justification of phytoremediation technology of degraded landscapes on the basis of ecosystem approach. Technology audit and production reserves: Industrial and technology systems. – 2019. – Vol. 6/3 (50). – P. 3–9. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2019.185204. (Index Copernicus).

14.           Kovrov O., Klimkina I., Kodachenko L. Justification of the method for phytoremediation of degraded and contaminated lands by composite vermicompost briquettes. Technology audit and production reserves: Industrial and technology systems. – 2019. – Vol. 5/3 (49). – P. 28–32. DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2019.183078. (Index Copernicus).

15.           Kovrov O., Heilmeier H., Klimkina I. ECOMINING as a pattern of integrated approach towards sustainable mining. «Форум гірників – 2019»: Матеріали між нар. конф., 26-27 вересня 2019 р., Д.: Журфонд, 2019. – С. 344–350.

16.           Kovrov O., Kolesnyk V. Development of the landslide hazard control system of natural and man-made slopes. Technology audit and production reserves: Industrial and technology systems. – 2018. – Vol. 6/3 (44). – P. 21–25. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2018.149799. (Index Copernicus).

17.           Rakishev B.R., Shashenko O.M, Kovrov O.S., Samenov G. K. Estimating stability of internal overburden dumps on the inclined foundation by Bishop criterion / 12th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining (ISCSM), Springer International Publishing Switzerland. – Aachen, Germany, September 21-24, 2014. Volume 1. – РР. 109–114.



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