Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

The main research directions of the Department are:

Ø Environmental safety and alternative technologies for mining and metallurgical complexes.

Ø Development of methodology for assessment of the environmental and technological risks created by the environmentally hazardous mining processes.

Ø Development of theoretical fundamentals, methods and modes for human and environment protection from the mining industry.

Ø Scientific justification and development of the optimal structure for both placement of the technogenic-safely and liquidation of the technogenic-hazardous mining enterprises in Ukraine.

Ø Development of scientific fundamentals for the environmental monitoring in the industrial regions of Ukraine.

Ø Development of biotechnological methods for protection and restoration of the environment.

Ø Development of the methods for mining dust control emissions.

Ø Development of technologies for extraction of the useful components from industrial and domestic solid wastes.

Ø Environmental and resource safety during the mining enterprises liquidation.

Ø Establishment of environmentally friendly processes and equipment to ensure the rational use of natural resources in mining.

Ø Justification of theoretical and practical measures for decommissioning of the technologically-hazardous mining facilities.

Ø Study of adverse changes in land use associated with the soil degradation in mining areas.

Ø Development of phytoremediation technologies of the contaminated lands.

Ø Justification of parameters of the natural and man-made slopes (i.e. dumps, sludge storages, heaps etc.).

During the Department existence, staff has participated in the following fundamental and applied scientific-research projects:

Ø Development of measures for biogenic resources application to reduce the negative impact of mining on socio-ecosystems (2001-2004).

Ø Environmental security in mining and metallurgical complex as a basis for sustainable development of Ukraine (2004-2007).

Ø Justification of application the natural adaptogenes for rehabilitation of the environment and humans influenced by mining activities (2005-2008).

Ø Development of measures for rehabilitation and improvement of the state of environment (2007-2009).

Ø Complex monitoring of the environment and human health using biological and physical methods (2007-2008).

Ø Development of methodology for integrated environmental and social assessment and reduction in radiation danger from uranium industry in the city of Dniprodzerzhinsk (2009-2011).

Ø Development of the theory of rational resource use to ensure sustainable functioning of technogenic ecosystems in mining regions and environmental protection (2011-2012).

Ø Development of technological and administrative decisions, regulatory documents, system of environmental monitoring in mining (2012-2013).

Ø Development of measures to increase in ecological safety of objects of fuel and energy complex (2012-2015).

Ø Development of environmentally friendly technologies during the liquidation and/or conservation of mining enterprises (2015-2016).

Ø Development of environmentally friendly technologies in mining and reclamation aimed at efficient use of post-mining areas (2016-2017).

Ø Development of measures directed on improvement of ecological situation and increase in the level of environmental security in the mining regions (2016-2019).

Applied research projects:

Ø Research and development of design documentation of the experimental installation to obtain secondary raw materials from domestic solid waste (2004).

Ø Assessment of environmental hazard from the Dnipropetrovsk plant of thermal processing of domestic solid wastes and the development of recommendations for their reduction (2008).

Ø Assessment of the level of water, air and soil contamination and environmental impact of large industrial enterprises in Krasnogvardiysky in Leninsky districts of the city of Dnipropetrovsk (2011-2012 gg.).

Ø Environmental justification of the regime of mine water discharge from storage-ponds into the river Samara (on the example of storage-ponds of gullies Kosminna and Svidovok) (2012).



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