Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Воронкова Ю.С.



Scientific degree

Candidate of biological sciences


Academic title

Associate Professor






Scientific profile


            Google Scholar

            Web of Science




-        Awarded the prize of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for gifted youth (2006);

-        Awarded with the Certificate of the Main Department of Education and Science of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration;

-        Awarded with the Certificate and thanks of the rector of DNU named after Olesya Honchara, awarded with the Thanks of the Director of the Department of Innovative Development of the Dnipro City Council (2019).



            Dnipropetrovsk National University, specialty "Biochemistry".


Place of work

Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection of the Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine


Additional employment

Guarantor of the educational and professional training program for students of higher education at the first (bachelor) level in specialty 091 "Biology".


Main professional disciplines taught

"Methods of biological research", "Human and animal physiology", "Soil biology", "Laboratory and field studies", "Physiology and biochemistry of plants", "Introduction to the specialty", "Molecular biology" and others.


Professional experience

-        Speaks English (B2)

-        She completed advanced training at the Donetsk National Medical University in the specialty "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics" (2019).

-        Higher School Pedagogy, 3.6 ECTS credits, (2020) (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University);

-        Modern information technologies in the educational process of higher education, 60 hours / 2 ECTS credits, Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar (2020).

-        Participated in the 5th International staff training week online training at the Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) - "THE DIGITAL WORK AND THE WORLD IN THE TIME OF PANDEMIC", (2021).

-        International skills development (the webinar) on the theme “Innovative forms of online training using Microsoft Teams and Office 365 Platfoms”, 45 год / 1,5 кредити ECTS, Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubielskogo Parku Naukowo Technologicznego, Lublin, Polska (2022);


Scientific potential

            There are more than 90 scientific papers.


The area of scientific interests

Biochemistry of carcinogenesis, clinical biochemistry, formation of biofilms, biochemistry of pathological processes, influence of xenobiotics on biochemical parameters.



1.               Voronkova О.S., Voronkova Yu.S. Biofilm formation of staphylococci: modeling of related processes and correction of them / In: Development of natural sciences in countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of XXI century: Collective monograph. – Lublin: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. – P. 78-97.

2.               Marenkov O.M., Holoborodko K.K., Voronkova Yu.S., Kovalchuk Yu. P. Assessment of the viability and toxicological sustainability of invasive fish species of Zaporizke (Dnipro) reservoir (Ukraine) in contemporary environmental conditions / In: Development of natural sciences in countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of XXI century: Collective monograph. Lublin: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. - 480 p. (Р. 256-298).

3.               Voronkova О.S., Voronkova Yu.S. Сhondromalation: diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation / In: Modernization of research area: national prospects and European practices: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing, 2022. – 712 p. (P. 433-451).

4.               The problem of assessing the viability of invasive species in the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine / Holoborodko K.K., Marenkov O.M., Voronkova Yu.S., Gorban V.A.// Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, ecology. - 2016. -24(2). – Р. 466-473. (Web of Science)

5.               The influence of Zinc and Cadmium ions on a body mass, fertility and state of tissues and organs of Procambarus fallax f. virginalis (Decapoda, Cambaridae) / Marenkov O. M., Voronkova Yu.S., Holoborodko K. K., Nesterenko O. S. // Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems, 2017. – vol.8, 4. - 628-632. (Web of Science)

6.               Effect of zinc and cadmium ions on histostructure of antennal glands of marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax (Hagen, 1870) F. virginalis (Decapoda) / Marenkov O., Holoborodko K., Voronkova Yu.S., Gorban V. // Acta Biol. Univ. Daugavp. – 2017. – 17(2). – 219-224. (Web of Science)

7.               Microbial composition and characteristics of underwater biofilm fouling of wooden structures on the Dnieper River / V.Yu. Basarab, O.S. Voronkova, Voronkova Yu.S., O.V. Severynovska // International Letters of Natural Sciences. – 2018. – Vol. 70. – P. 34-39 (Web of Science)

8.               Liver antioxidant system of the Prussian carp and pumpkinseed as response to the environmental change / O.M. Marenkov, Voronkova Yu.S., K.K. Holoborodko // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. – 2018. – 8(1). – Р. 749-754. (Web of Science)

9.               An influence of pH on staphylococcal biofilm formation / Voronkova О.S., Vinnikov A.I., Voronkova Yu.S., Govorukha O.Yu., Shevchenko T.M. // Мікробіологічний журнал. – 2019. – Т. 81, №4. – С. 54-61 (Scopus)

10.            Vaginal candidiasis among women of reproductive age in Dnipro city (Ukraine): species spectrum of Candida and their susceptibility to antimycotics / Starishko O. M., Voronkova О. S., Voronkova Yu.S., Ostanina T. H. // Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. – 2019. – Т. 10, №2. – С. 172-176 (Web of Science)

11.            Influence of sugars on biofilm formation of Staphylococcus epidermidis / Vashchenko A. O., Voronkova О. S., Voronkova Yu.S., Kulyk E. E., Snisar O. S., Sidashenko O.I.// Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. – 2021. – Vol. 12, №2. – P. 321-325 (Web of Science).

12.            Peculiarities of distribution of antibiotic resistant strains of E. coli - E. faecalis association in the urogenital tract of pregnant women / Lusta M. V., Voronkova О. S., Voronkova Yu.S., Fawzy Y. S., Ostanina T. H. // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2022. – 75 (2) – P. 462-468 (Scopus)

13.            Correction of vaginal dysbiosis caused by the film-forming strain of Staphylococcus aureus, using probiotic based on spore microorganisms / Makedonska O.I., Voronkova О.S., Voronkova Yu.S., Vinnikov A.I. // Світ медицини та біології. – 2022. – №1 (79). – С. 209-213 (Web of Science)

14.            Yakovleva Y.S., Ostanina T.H., Voronkova Y.S., Snisar O.S., Voronkova O.S. Gender characteristics of lipid metabolism in patients with coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus // Regulatory mechanisms in biosystems. – 2023. – Vol. 14(1). – P. 23–27. (Scopus, Web of Science).

15.            Oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, antioxidants: a review / Voronkova Y. S., Voronkova O. S., Gorban V. A., Goloborodko K. K. // Ecology and noospherology. – 2018. – Т. 29 (1). – С. 52–55.

16.            Adhesive properties of Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from upper respiratory tract of human / Voronkova O.S., Voronkova Y. S ., Shevchenko T.M. // Вісник медико-соціальної експертизи. – 2019. – №3-4. – С. 67-71.

17.            Susceptibility to antibiotics of Staphylococcus aureus strains, isolated from upper respiratory tract of human / Vashchenko A. O., Voronkova Y. S., Valchuk S. I., Shevchenko T. M., Voronkova O.S. // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2021. – Вип. 2 (160). – С. 177-180.

18.            Microbiota of urine of children with anomalies of development of urinary tract / Latsynska S.A., Voronkova Yu.S., Ostanina T.H., Voronkova O.S., Vinnikov A.I., Shevchenko T.M. // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2022. – Вип. 2, т.2 (165). – С. 6-11.

19.            Sydorchuk P.S., Voronkova Y.S. A SHORT THEORETICAL OVERVIEW OF THE ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY (ELISA) // Міжнародний науковий журнал «Грааль науки». – 2023. - №29. – с. 129-132. https://doi.org/10.36074/grail-of-science.07.07.2023.018

20.            Voronkova Y. S. Hemathological and morphological parameters of blood in patients / Youth and Progress of Biology: Book of Abstracts of XII International Scientific Conference for Students and PhD Students (Lviv, 19-21 April 2016). – P. 75-76

21.            Current status of invasive species in the Steppe zone of Ukraine / Holoborodko K., Marenkov O., Voronkova Y., Gorban V. // Book of Abstracts [Elektronski izvor] / VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05 - 08, 2017; [editor in chief Dušan Kovačević]. – Jahorana (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - p. 1004.

22.            Voronkova O.S. Voronkova Y. S. An influence of sugars on growth parameters of staphylococcal biofilm / Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-praktyczna «Nowoczesne techniki, innowacje i doświadczenie praktyczne w dziedzinie nauk biologicznych», Lublin, Polska, 27–28 grudzień, 2017. – Р. 191-194.

23.            Applied education in the branch of laboratory diagnostics: monitoring of viral hepatitis B and C / Shevchenko T.M., Voronkova O.S., Voronkova Y. S., Lusta M.V. // Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Суспільна місія класичного університету в сучасному світі», приурочена до 100-річчя ДНУ імені Олеся Гончара. – 11-12 жовтня 2018 р., Дніпро. – С. 435-437.

24.            Hepatitis C virus: spreading of genotypes in Dnipro city, Ukraine / Voronkova О.S., Voronkova Y. S., Shevchenko T.M., Scherbinina М.В. / Міжнародна мультидисциплінарна конференція «Science and technology of the present time: priority development directions of Ukraine and Poland». – 19–20 жовтня 2018 р., м. Воломін. – С. 64-68.

25.            Voronkova Y. S. Hemoglobin system and enzymatic activity of erythrocytes in cholelithiasis / FEBS3+ Meeting – XIth Parnas Conference – Young Scientists Forum “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Innovative Medicine” // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2018. - Vol. 90, Special Issue. – p. 117. (Scopus)

26.            Susceptibility to Antibiotics of Staphylococci and Streptococci Isolated from Patients with Chronic Carriage in Upper Respiratory Tract / Voronkova O.S., Vashchenko A.O., Voronkova Y.S. , Shevchenko T.M. / Materials of International Congress on Biological and Health Science. – 26-28.02.2021, Turkey. – P. 238.

27.            1Antagonistic activity of probiotic strain of Lactobacillus against opportunistic bacteria during dysbiosis of intestine / Voronkova O.S., Voronkova Y.S., Vinnikov A.I., Shevchenko T.M. / V Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Новітні досягнення біотехнології», 22-23 вересня 2021 р., м. Київ. – С. 168.

28.            2Voronkova O.S., Voronkova Y.S. Myopia and causes of its occurrence / Матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції «Концепція сучасної фармації та медицини в Україні та країнах ЄС». – Влоцлавек, Республіка Польща, 9–10 липня 2021 року. – С. 150-153..

29.            Features of lipid metabolism in patients with mechanical jaundice and hypertension / Vorobiova D., Voronkova Y.S., Ostanina T., Fawzy Y. / Materials of International Congress on Biological and Health Science. – 24-26.02.2022 (Turkey). – P. 172.

30.            Sydorchuk P.S., Voronkova Yu.S. Effect of phytohormones cytokinins on the growth and development of plants // Матеріали 78-ї студентської науково-технічної конференції «Тиждень студентської науки». – Дніпро, НТУ ДП, квітень 2023. – с. 294-296.



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