Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Миронова И.Г.


Scientific degree

            Candidate of Technical Sciences


Academic title

            Associate Professor




Scientific profile


            Google Scholar



Received a diploma with honors in the specialty "Ecology and environmental protection"


National Mining Academy of Ukraine, specialty “Ecology and Environmental Protection”

Place of work

Associate Professor  of the Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection of the Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Additional employment

            Member of the public organization "EkoTech" (since 2021)

Performs the duties of the secretary of the scientific and methodical commission in specialty 183 "Technology of environmental protection".

Guarantor of the educational and professional program of higher education for training specialists of the first (bachelor) level in specialty 183 "Technologies of environmental protection".

Main professional disciplines taught

"Fundamentals of Ecology"; "Relaxing landscapes", "Ecology and human health", "Soil", "Fundamentals of Environmental Toxicology", "Fundamentals of Soil Science and Landscape", "Monitoring of land protection," "Landscape ecology" and others. Directs the landscape and environmental educational practice.

Professional experience

-        completed an internship at the Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection (2015).

-        passed pedagogical qualification improvement at the Center of Engineering Pedagogy of the State Technical University "NGU" (IGIP International Society of Engineering Pedagogy) (2017)

-        completed a 240-hour Polish language course and passed the B1 level Polish language exam at the Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation Center. (2018)

-        completed an internship at the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University at the Department of Water Management Engineering (2021)

-        completed courses at the Atlant training center and received a certificate on the subject: Landscape design (2022)

-        completed online courses: "Ecopractices for agriculture and communities", "Urbanism: the modern city", "ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: ONLINE COURSE FOR TEACHERS", "The welfare of the planet: what everyone should know and can do".

-        She was a participant in webinars of the Clarivate Company on the topics: "Predatory publications: recognize and avoid", "Selecting a publication and design of materials for publication", "Types of searches in the Web of Science Core Collection.

-        Took part in the implementation of research works of the department on state budget and farm contract topics: ГП-177, ГП-186, ГП-460, ГП-480, ГП-196, ГП-484, ГП-496, ГП-206.

-        member of the public organization "EkoTech" (Since 2021).

Scientific potential

            There are more than 80 scientific papers published and 3 patents defended.

The area of scientific interests

            Environmental security, ecology, environmental protection


1.               Khomenko, O., Kononenko, M., & Myronova, I. (2013). Blasting works technology to decrease an emission of harmful matters into the mine atmosphere. Mining Of Mineral Deposits, 231-235. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b16354-43 (Scopus)

2.               Myronova, I. (2015). Changing of biological traits of winter wheat that vegetate near emission source of iron-ore mine. Mining Of Mineral Deposits, 9(4), 461-468. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/mining09.04.461 (Web of Science)

3.               Myronova, I. (2016). Prediction of contamination level of the atmosphere at influence zone of iron-ore mine. Mining Of Mineral Deposits, 10(2), 64-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/mining10.02.0064 (Web of Science)

4.               Khomenko, O., Kononenko, M., & Myronova, I. (2017). Ecological and technological aspects of iron-ore underground mining. Mining Of Mineral Deposits, 11(2), 59-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/mining11.02.059 (Web of Science)

5.               Khomenko, O., Kononenko, M., Myronova, I., & Sudakov, A. (2018). Increasing ecological safety during underground mining of iron-ore deposits. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (2), 29-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.29202/nvngu/2018-2/3 (Scopus)

6.               Khomenko, O., Kononenko, M., Myronova, I., & Savchenko, M. (2019). Application of the emulsion explosives in the tunnels construction. E3S Web of Conferences, 123, 01039.

7.               Kononenko M., Khomenko O., Myronova I., & Kovalenko I. (2022). Economic and environmental aspects of using mining equipment and emulsion explosives for ore mining. Mining Machines, 40(2), 88-97. https://doi.org/10.32056/KOMAG2022.2.4

8.               Khomenko O., Kononenko M., Myronova I., Kovalenko I., Cabana Edgar Cáceres, Dychkovskyi R. (2023). Technology for increasing the level of environmental safety of iron ore mines with use of emulsion explosives. Mining Machines, 41(1), 48-57. https://doi.org/10.32056/KOMAG2023.1.5

9.               Gorova, A., Kolesnyk, V., & Myronova, I. (2014). Increasing of environmental safety level during underground mining of iron ores. Mining Of Mineral Deposits, 8(4), 473-479. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/mining08.04.473

10.            Mironova, I., & Borysovs'ka, O. (2014). Defining the parameters of the atmospheric air for iron ore mines. Progressive Technologies Of Coal, Coalbed Methane, And Ores Mining, 333-339. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b17547-57

11.            Myronova, I. (2015). The level of atmospheric pollution around the iron-ore mine. New Developments In Mining Engineering 2015, 193-197. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b19901-35

12.            Kononenko M., Khomenko O., Myronova I., & Kovalenko I. (2022). Economic and environmental aspects of using mining equipment and emulsion explosives for ore mining. Mining Machines, 40(2), 88-97. https://doi.org/10.32056/KOMAG2022.2.4



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