Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Колесник В.Є.


Scientific degree

            Doctor of Engineering


Academic title

            Professor (2005)



Scientific profile


            Google Scholar



"Miner's Glory" award of the 3rd degree, Dnipro University of Technology, medals: "For Merit", "For devotion to the university" and "to the name of Terpygorev"


Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, specialty electrification and automation of underground mining.

Place of work

Professor of the Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection of the Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Additional employment

Is a member of two specialized councils accredited by NTU "DP" for the defense of theses for obtaining the scientific degree of doctor and candidate of technical sciences (doctor of philosophy) in the specialties "environmental safety" and "occupational safety (civil safety)"

Main professional disciplines taught

"Meteorology and Climatology", "Modeling and forecasting the environment state ", Modeling of ecological processes and systems" and course "GIS technology in ecology". He manages course and diploma projects, is a member of the state examination commission of the department."

Professional experience

-        He has the certificates of a senior researcher in labor protection and an associate professor of the department of management in technical systems.

-        He executes state budget and economic works, aimed at establishing effective methods and means of working conditions control in coal mines and the environment. He is one of the developers of dust measuring of mine atmosphere which is mass-produced by "Red Metalist" Ltd. (Konotop).

-        Prepared two doctors of science and one candidate. Manages the work of 2 graduate students

Scientific potential

About 120 scientific papers, received 11 patents of Ukraine for inventions and useful models. Published abroad 8 scientific articles in renowned journals, made reports at international conferences, symposiums, forums, is the coauthor of 2 monographs and 7 printed in university teaching and learning materials

The area of scientific interests

            ecological state of the environment, ecological safety, climatology, atmospheric air


1.               Oleksandr Kovrov, Valerii Kolesnyk, Yurii Buchavyi. Development of the landslide risk classification for natural and man-made slopes based on soil watering and deformation extent // Mining of Mineral Deposits Volume 14 (2020), Issue 4, 1-10. (https://doi.org/10.33271/mining14.04.044).

2.               Justification of the method of dust emissions localization on mobile crushing and sorting complexes of quarries with the use of air-and-water ejectors / Valeriy Kolesnyk, Artem Pavlychenko, Olena Borysovs’ka, Yuriy Buchavyy and Daria Kulikova // E3S Web of Conferences 168, 00029 (2020) (RMGET 2020) 14.c. (https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202016800029).

3.               Kolesnyk, V., Pavlychenko A. Borysovs’ka, O., Buchavyy, Y. Formation of Physic and Mechanical Composition of Dust Emission from the Ventilation Shaft of a Coal Mine as a Factor of Ecological Hazard. Solid State Phenomena, 2018. Vol. 277, pp. 178-187. (Наукометрична база Scopus)

4.               Kovrov O., Kolesnyk V. Development of the landslide hazard control system of natural and man-made slopes. Technology audit and production reserves: Industrial and technology systems. – 2018. – Vol. 6/3 (44). – P. 21–25.

5.               Kovrov O.S., Kolesnik V.Ye., Buchavyi Yu.V. Evaluation of the influence of climatic and geomorphological factors on landslides development. Environmental safety and natural resources.  Науковий журнал Екобезпека та природокористування, Київ:, 2018. - №1(25).– С. 52–63.(фахове видання). (Kyiv, Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. № 1–2 (25), 2018. – P. 52–63.)

6.               Pavlychenko A., Lavrik M., Kolesnik V. Application of phytoremediation for recovery of salted soils located near coal mining ponds “Applied Biotechnology in Mining”: Proc. of the Intern. Conf., April 25-27, 2018. Dnipro: National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”, 2018. – P. 33.

7.               Kolesnik, V.Ye., Borysovs'ka, O.O., Pavlychenko, А.V. & Shirin, A.L. Determination of trends and regularities of occurrence of emergency situations of technogenic and natural character in Ukraine. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2017, 6, P 124-131.

8.               M.M. Biliaiev, T.I. Rusakova, V.Ye. Kolesnik, A.V. Pavlichenko. The predicted level of atmospheric air pollution in the city area affected by highways// Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 81–87.

9.               Kolesnik, V.Ye., Pavlichenko, A.V., Buchavy, Yu.V. (2016) "Determination of dynamic parameters of dust emission from a coal mine fang// Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету - 2016. - № 2. - С. 81-86.

10.            Kolesnik V. Ye. Dynamic parameters estimation of dust emissions of heat-and-power objects of coal mines / V. Ye. Kolesnik, А. V. Pavlichenko, Yu. V. Buchavy // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 91–97.

11.            Kolesnik V.Ye. Substantiation of rational parameters of perforated area of partitions in an improved mine water settling basin / V.Ye. Kolesnik, D.V. Kulikova, А.V. Pavlichenko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2016. - № 6. – С. 120–127.



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