Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


In 2009, graduated from the National Mining University, received a full higher education in the specialty "Mineral processing", specialization "Quality, standardization and certification of mineral raw materials" and obtained the qualification "Mining-concentration engineer with a research level of activity, teacher of a higher educational institution"

From 2009 to 2012, studied at a graduate school, majoring in 05.15.08 - Mineral processing.

From 2017 to 2022, worked as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Technological Engineering of Materials Processing.

In 2016-2018, participated in work with foreign students of the International University of Resources, namely, conducted laboratory works in English on the course "Theoretical basics of materials processing"

In 2016-2017, took an active part in projects of the British Council in Ukraine aimed at developing methods of teaching special courses in English and creating an interactive environment in the classroom, acquiring skills for cooperation with the international scientific community, and raising awareness in the field of teaching activities.

Received advanced training in the form of the Professional Development Online Training Course "DIGITAL RESEARCH", organized according to the international staff mobility framework as part of non-formal education and aimed to improve professional/soft skills in the field of digital research, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (November 20th, 2023 – March 15th, 2024) in the amount of 120 hours / 4 ECTS.

From 2021, takes an active part in the work of the Center for processing and beneficiation of mineral and man-made raw materials of the Dnipro University of Technology.

Currently, scientific interests include the process of demagnetization of finely dispersed ferromagnetic materials in order to increase the quality indicators of further magnetic separation (increased extraction of the magnetic product) and classification (fine screening); technology of man-made materials processing.

As part of the reorganization of the educational process in the specialty 184 Mining, from September 2022 was transferred to the position of head of the laboratory of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies.

In October 2023, entered postgraduate studies at Dnipro University of Technology, majoring in 183 Environmental Protection Technologies. Dissertation research topic: " Substantiation of environmentally safe technology for processing fly ash from thermal power plants with utilisation of iron-containing fraction"

Conducts practical and laboratory work in the following disciplines: "Processing of man-made raw materials"; "Mineral processing"; "Theoretical foundations of materials processing"

Contacts: 19 Dmytra Yavornytskogo ave., building 2, room 12,

e-mail: berezniak.e.a@nmu.one

Links to scientific profiles:



Main publications:

O. Berezniak (2024) Technology for processing fly ash from TPP with recycling of iron-containing fraction (research presentation) / Online Scientific Forum "Sustainable Development of Ukraine: New Challenges and Opportunities" – TU Dresden, February 22nd

O. Dreshpak, O. Berezniak, O. Berezniak, P. Chechel (2023) The latest technologies for reuse of sludge of metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine / International scientific-technical conference "MININGMETALTECH 2023 - The mining and metal sector: integration of business, technology and education. Vol. 2. - pp. 185- 188. - DOI: 10.30525/978-9934-26-361-3-140

O. Dreshpak, O. Berezniak, O. Berezniak Wet high gradient magnetic separation of kaolin clay / 6nd International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Innovative development of resource-saving technologies and sustainable use of natural resources". Book of Abstracts. - Petroșani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2023. - pp. 157-159

Berezniak, O. & Berezniak, O. (2022). Classification of demagnized magnetite in an upward laminar flow. Scientific Collection «InterConf+», 25(125), 168-176. - https://doi.org/10.51582/interconf.19-20.09.2022.016

Младецький І.К. Змінні магнітні поля в сепарації і розмагнічуванні тонких феромагнітних матеріалів: [Монографія.] // І.К. Младецький, О.О. Березняк, В.М. Куваєв, Я.Г. Куваєв, О.О. Березняк – Дніпро: Середняк Т. К., 2019, — 128 с. ISBN 978-617-7822-12-6

Ishkov V.V., Kozii Y.S., Dreshpak O.S., Berezniak O.O., Chechel P.O., Pashchenko P.S. (2022). The main results of mineralogical and petrographic studies of limestones from Novoselytske deposit (Ukraine). Scientific Collection «InterConf», (120): with the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference «Recent Advances in Global Science» (August 16-18, 2022). Vilnius, Lithuania; pp. 195-206. Available at: https://interconf.top/...

Березняк О.О. Залежність частоти розмагнічування від параметрів феромагнітних частинок / О.О. Березняк // XVII міжнародна науково-технічна конференція «Потураївські читання»: Тези (Дніпро, 24 січня 2020). – Дніпро, НТУ «ДП», 2020, С. 30-31.

Mladetskyi I., Beshta O., Berezniak O., Kuvaieva T. (2019) Improving cost efficiency of iron ore preparation by means of concentrate yield maximization. Sustainable development of resource-saving technologies in mineral mining and and processing. Multi-authored monograph, Petrosani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, pp. 174–193.

Berezniak O., Berezniak O. (2015) Pulse method of magnetite demagnetizing. Theoretical and Practical Solutions of Mineral Resources Mining, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 547-550. doi.org/10.1201/b19901-94

Березняк О.О. Визначення частоти розмагнічування тонких феромагнітних частинок / О.О. Березняк. І.К. Младецький // Збагачення корисних копалин: Наук.-техн. зб. – 2019. – Вип. 73(114). – С. 106-111.



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