Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



Scientific degree

Сandidate of technical sciences



Academic title

            Аssociate professor







Scientific profile

            Google Scholar




Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute (1981), majoring in "Mineral processing" with the qualification of mining engineer-process engineer.


Place of work

Аssociate professor of the Department of Ecology and Technologies of Environmental Protection of the Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine


Additional employment

From 2021, he takes an active part in the work of the Center for processing and beneficiation of mineral and man-made raw materials of the Dnipro University of Technology


Main professional disciplines taught

Scientific foundations of rational nature management"; "Conducting scientific activities"; "Processing of man-made raw materials"; "Mineral processing"; "Sustainable Development Strategy"; "Theoretical foundations of materials processing"


Professional experience

-        In 2016-2018 took part in work with foreign students of the International University of Resources, namely, taught a course of lectures and laboratory works in English "Theoretical foundations of materials processing".

-        Completed advanced training in the form of Internship at the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine (ITM of NASU and DCAU) from September 21, 2020 to November 1, 2020 in the amount of 180 hours / 6 ECTS. The acquired knowledge and skills were implemented in the educational process of the department of technological engineering of materials processing of the Dnipro University of Technology.

-        Received advanced training in the form of the Professional Development Online Training Course "DIGITAL RESEARCH", organized according to the international staff mobility framework as part of non-formal education and aimed to improve professional/soft skills in the field of digital research, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (November 20th, 2023 – March 15th, 2024) in the amount of 120 hours / 4 ECTS.


Scientific potential

            Approximately 40 different works have been published, including articles


The area of scientific interests

The process of dewatering finely dispersed sediments and the possibility of its intensification, in particular, without reagents; the process of separating weakly magnetic materials by high-gradient magnetic separation; the process of demagnetization of ferromagnetic materials in order to improve the quality of their processing; the process of flotation of minerals using a highly aerated suspension.



1.               O. Dreshpak, O. Berezniak, O. Berezniak, P. Chechel (2023) The latest technologies for reuse of sludge of metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine / International scientific-technical conference "MININGMETALTECH 2023 - The mining and metal sector: integration of business, technology and education. Vol. 2. - pp. 185- 188. - DOI: 10.30525/978-9934-26-361-3-140

2.               O. Dreshpak, O. Berezniak, O. Berezniak Wet high gradient magnetic separation of kaolin clay / 6nd International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Innovative development of resource-saving technologies and sustainable use of natural resources". Book of Abstracts. - Petroșani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2023. - pp. 157-159

3.               Berezniak, O. & Berezniak, O. (2022). Classification of demagnized magnetite in an upward laminar flow. Scientific Collection «InterConf+», 25(125), 168-176. - https://doi.org/10.51582/interconf.19-20.09.2022.016

4.               Hlukhoveria M., Mladetskyi I., Levchenko K., Berezniak O. (2022) Beneficiation properties of ash-and-slag dumps. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. – No. 1, pp. 46-50. – https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2022-1/046

5.               Berezniak O. Improving the efficiency of iron ore processing: demagnetization. Sustainable production and consumption in industry: challenges and opportunities. Collection of scientific articles. Ed.: Shvets V., Paliekhova L. Dnipro-Cottbus: Accent, 2022 (184). – pp. 68-70

6.               Berezniak O. Cost-effective technology for heat power stations ashes processing and utilization / Oleksandr Berezniak, Mykola Kharytonov // Applied Biotechnology in mining: Proceedings of the international conference (Dnipro, April 25-27, 2018). – Dnipro, National technical university “Dnipro polytechnic”, 2018, pp. 85. – http://ir.nmu.org.ua/handle/123456789/152974

7.               Mladetskyi I.K., Kuvaiev V.M., Berezniak O.O. (2018) Demagnetization of fine ferromagnetic materials. Topical issues of resource-saving technologies in mineral mining and processing. Multi-authored monograph, Petrosani, Romania, UNIVERSITAS Publishing, pp. 90-110.

8.               Berezniak O., Berezniak O. (2015) Pulse method of magnetite demagnetizing. Theoretical and Practical Solutions of Mineral Resources Mining, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 547-550. doi.org/10.1201/b19901-94



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