Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

At the Department of Ecology and Environmental Technologies in postgraduate study in the educational program "Environmental Technologies" of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in the specialty 183 "Environmental Technologies", branch of knowledge 18 "Production and Technology"

- Full-time form:

1. Zvorygin Kirill, theme of the work "Improvement of technology of phytoremediation of degraded lands of mining regions". Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Kovrov OS

- Part-time form:

1. Tatyana Lampika, theme of the work "Increasing the level of ecological safety in waste management". Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Pavlichenko AV

2. Alevtina Mulina, theme of the work "Increasing the level of ecological safety of transport flows in settlements". Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Pavlichenko AV

3. Vasyl Lipchak, theme of the work "Substantiation of technological solutions for improving the efficiency of medical waste disposal". Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Pavlichenko AV

4. Irina V. Monyuk, theme of the work "Reduction of pollutant emissions in urban boilers on the basis of efficient resource saving technologies". Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Kolesnik VE



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